Dapr Steering and Technical Committee 2023 Elections Results
Hello Dapr community,
We are happy to announce the results of the 2023 Dapr Steering and Technical Committee (STC) election. For this election, there were seven openings and ten candidates.
The newly elected members are (sorted by GitHub handle):
- cvictory, Victory Cao, Alibaba
- daxiang0, Loong Dai, Intel
- johnewart, John Ewart, Microsoft
- msfussell, Mark Fussell, Diagrid
- olitomlinson, Oli Tomlinson, Dotmatics
- paulyuk, Paul Yuknewicz, Microsoft
- yaron2, Yaron Schneider, Diagrid
Each member will serve a 2 year term ending in 2025, starting immediately. We want to thank the Dapr community for voting! We had a 39% voter turnout of total eligible voters. The Dapr Steering and Technical Committee would like to thank elections officer George Stevens for the amazing work done to get the elections going from start to finish.
We would also like to extend our deepest gratitude to the emeritus STC members for their outstanding service to the Dapr project and its community:
- Forrest Zhao, Intel
- Quinjie Zhao, Alibaba
Thank you, Dapr Steering and Technical Committee