Dapr v1.2 is now available

We are excited to announce the release of Dapr v1.2!

This is the second minor version update since the announcement of Dapr v1.0.

Release highlights

If you’re new to Dapr, visit the getting started page and familiarize yourself with Dapr.

  • Support for Pub/Sub event without CloudEvent wrapping, enabling communication between Dapr and non-Dapr applications (#2308). This enables Dapr to send and receive events to integrate with applications that cannot use CloudEvents. See Pub/Sub without CloudEvents documentation for details.
  • Ability to scope the APIs that are available on Dapr sidecar through ACLs (#3054). For example, if you want to restrict access to only the secrets API from the applications, you can set ACLs on its access. See How-To: Selectively enable Dapr APIs on the Dapr sidecar documentation for details.
  • Ability to “opt-in” to preview features that are included in releases. This provides a way to introduce new features that still need feedback before being made GA in quality. Equally expect that preview features from previous releases (currently none) can be removed without a deprecation notice. (#3048). See How-To: Enable preview features documentation for details.
  • In this release Actor Re-entrancy (#21) is included as a opt-in preview feature for Actors. Reentrancy enables actor A to call actor B which can then call actor A again without the call blocking. See How-to: Enable and use actor reentrancy in Dapr documentation for details.
  • Consul as a DNS name resolution component (#749) enables Dapr to perform service discovery and use the service invocation API in VM scenarios that can be joined in the same network. This means that Dapr now supports Kubernetes,VMs and physical machines as production hosting enviroments with DNS resolution enabled in each. See HashiCorp Consul component spec documentation for details.
  • As a result of the Consul intergration Name resolution components are now first class component types that can be “swapped” in the same manner as any other component type through Dapr configuration settings. See Name resolution component specs documentation for details.
  • Many new components:
    • Alibaba Cloud DingTalk Webhook as Binding (#811)
    • Zeebe Workflow Engine as Binding (#805)
    • Alibaba Sentinel as Middleware (#828)
    • Consul name resolution component (#749)
  • The Dapr docs have been updated with all the new features and changes of this release. To get started with new capabilities introduced in this release, go to the Concepts and the Developing applications or follow the links above.

For more information on the features listed above watch the Dapr Community Call #38 and the upcoming Community call #39

Release notes

See a detailed description of changes, fixes and new features in the Dapr v1.2 release notes.

This release introduces no breaking changes.

Installing and upgrading to Dapr v1.2

To get started with Dapr v1.2 please see the getting started guide.

If you are using an older version of Dapr and would like to upgrade to the new release, please review the supported versions and upgrade path in the support section of the docs. Guidance is provided to upgrade Dapr in self hosted mode and for Kubernetes deployments.


Thanks to everyone who made this release possible!

@0to1, @1046102779, @AaronCrawfis, @DarqueWarrior, @EdwinVW, @Hugome, @JoeMayo, @Junnplus, @Taction, @TomorJM, @a-elsheikh, @abogdanov37, @akkie, @apuzyrevsky, @artursouza, @beiwei30, @berndverst, @cinience, @fjvela, @halspang, @jigargandhi, @jjcollinge, @jony4, @luckyxiaoqiang, @marviniter, @msfussell, @mukundansundar, @newbe36524, @pkedy, @readefries, @wcs1only, @withinboredom, @xiazuojie, @yanjianlong, @yaron2, @zhongfox


We hope you try out this new release and raise issues on GitHub as well as reach out to us to ask questions on Discord or via Twitter. We also encourage you to attend our recurring Dapr community calls to see demos and discuss new feature proposals with the rest of the Dapr community!