Transitioning the Dapr project to open governance

About one year ago, we released Dapr as an open source project to enable developers to build event-based, distributed applications using a wide variety of different programming languages and platforms. Since the initial release, we have seen tremendous adoption of the project by developers worldwide. We are particularly excited by the growth in collaboration, with over 500 individual contributors who write code, design and review feature proposals, create issues, and author documentation.

Our community calls and the Dapr Gitter channels are a source of direct feedback to the Dapr project. This direct engagement with the community has already demonstrated the type of complex technical challenges we can solve together. We are extremely grateful for the level of engagement and participation from the Dapr community we have seen over the last year.

Still, from inception of the project we made a firm commitment to bring the Dapr project to a vendor-neutral foundation. We believe an open governance model and broad community collaboration are key ingredients in a sustainable, healthy, and diverse ecosystem around any open source project.

To ensure that Dapr remains an open and inclusive place that thrives on the ideas, opinions and insights of a diverse group of people that welcome everyone to its growing community, today we are excited to announce the transition of the Dapr project to an open governance model.

Open governance

To solidify the role of the community in the project, we have created a repository which brings together all assets related to the Dapr project: governance, contribution instructions, and roles descriptions. Transparency is critical to the overall health of an open source project so we have documented the rights and responsibilities for each one of the Dapr project roles: members, approvers and maintainers.

Starting today, we are also initiating the process to establish a Dapr Technical and Steering Committee (TSC) to provide leadership and oversight to the project. We are committed to preventing over-representation by any single company in that committee. To expedite the creation of the TSC, we are going to be reaching out to the project members to assist in designing and selecting members for the full TSC as soon as possible.

The TSC charter will be developed in an open and transparent manner, and it will incorporate feedback from anyone who is interested in helping to define the future of the Dapr project. We are excited about this new phase of the Dapr project and look forward to sharing more about this process in the near future.

Join us

Do you build cloud-native applications? Are you interested in helping other developers? Visit the Dapr community repository and join our vision of making it easier for developers to build modern and portable distributed applications regardless of the language, framework, or platform.